6 Warning Signs To Repair or Replace Your Air Conditioner


Sign #1. The air quality in your home is deteriorating. If you’re suddenly noticing more dust than usual accumulating around your home this can be a preliminary sign of an impending air conditioner issue.

Your HVAC system has a built-in filtering system that helps to clean the air in your home or office while heating or cooling. Mechanical issues with your HVAC system can lead to poorer indoor air quality over time.

Sign #2. Squeaking, grinding, knocking, or banging sounds around your HVAC unit could be an indicator of a problem. Your HVAC system should not make loud or strange noises.

Sign #3. Foul or unusual odors around your HVAC can indicate a problem. Contact a certified HVAC professional immediately if you notice any strong or unusual odors coming from your HVAC system.

Sign #4. Changes in energy bills are a common way people learn of an issue with their heating and cooling systems. Steadily rising electricity bills can be an indicator of energy loss or HVAC issues. A certified HVAC technician can help you determine if changes in your electric bill are due to problems with your heating or air conditioning units.

Sign #5. Have trouble finding the right temperature in your home? This could be a sign of HVAC system issues. If your thermostat and the temperature inside of your home don’t seem to be the same, contact a certified HVAC technician for diagnosis, advice, or service.

Sign #6. Temperature issues may be a sign that your heating, air conditioning, or HVAC system needs service or is nearing the end of its lifecycle.